You guys, it’s Christmas time! It’s my favorite day of the year! Who would not love it? The gifts, the food, the smiles and laughter, being with your loved-ones, toffee nut lattes and hot chocolate, holiday clothes.. These are just few of the things why we love the Christmas season. But most especially, for us Catholics, the reason why we celebrate it is because it is the day that our Lord is born. 🙂

So, I hope you guys will have a merry christmas with your loved ones! Wherever you are in this world, I wish that you are blessed with happiness, peace and love this Christmas. Don’t forget to dress up and look your best. 😉 Christmas time is as any good time as any to play dress up. 😉

Let’s all have a Merry Mazuona Christmas! 🙂

On another note, things have been rather quiet here at The Mazuona lately. I’m so sorry for the lack of updates. Things have been busy in the real world, and I’ve been sick for the past couple of weeks. But, no frets. The Mazuona will be back in full swing in time for the New Year. 🙂 Stay tuned!