Before anything else, I would like to apologize for my long absence. School has been really really tough lately which is why I can’t find any spare time for the blog. The past week marked the start of our Finals, and being part of the fashion department, that doesn’t mean tests, reports or presentations like one would normally do for other courses. All our requirements are practical-based. So, that doubles the time and effort one would need to complete a project. It’s fun and I’m always excited to do stuff that would let me be creative. But, the stress and the pressure that comes with it is way more than enough to drive a person nuts.

So, to keep myself sane, I’ve been very interested in all things Korea lately, particularly in their music and fashion. I listen to Korean Pop or KPOP music every time I work. I know. It’s a very descriptive way of self-medication, but it’s really helping me keep the stress under control. And if I have spare time which is usually while I am in the bus on the way to school, I watch some of their music videos. It’s the perfect escape. It takes my mind off of fashion for a while, but of course, I can never get it out of my mind.

These boys are rocking my world right now. πŸ™‚

The fashionista in me would always kick in as I admire their sense of style. I love how they get creative with their layers, and how they can experiment with their accessories. They also love colors, mixing and matching them to suit their style which is playful, quirky, and loud. But, they can also tone it down and make it look soft, chic, and prim, while still keeping their unique fun character.

I just love the way these girls made black and white more classy and their layers are just awesome!

One of the many examples of playful and quirky Korean fashion!

She has blown me away, and actually made me want to lose weight right now!
I f I were just as skinny as her, I’d be rocking this outfit everyday. πŸ™‚

SNSD’s Seohyun, Yuri, Yoona
SNSD’s Sooyoung and Hyoyeon
 And it turns out that I’m not the only one who noticed how great the style of Koreans are. The Sartorialist, Scott Schumann, went to Seoul a few days back and will be returning on the 24th for a project. Wow. I hope I can go there too, so I can see (and shoot) these stylish people for myself. Seoul is definitely on my travel bucket list. Someday, Seoul. πŸ™‚

The Sartorialist, Scott Schumann spotted in Seoul!
Photo courtesy of

I would also love to meet some Koreans here in Abu Dhabi. I think we have quite a number of them in the city. It would be really great to talk to them about their style and how they think it is different from Abu Dhabi’s, don’t you think? πŸ™‚