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Absence is just a word, because I never left in the first place. It has been more than a year of love and hate now. But it has always been love. ♥

After almost a year of hiatus, I’m officially back to regular programming. But with my constant track record of going on hiatus without any notice, I bet you don’t believe me. Haha. Perfectly understandable. But, let’s see how this goes. 🙂

And yes, I finally succumbed to creating outfit photos. It’s not like I don’t like it, but I guess I was too shy back then to take photos of what I wear daily. I always think no one would care except me. But I think it’s exciting and it’s something I’d like to try. So, why not?

Forgive my ‘shyness’ or rather stiffness. I’m still getting used to the idea. An outfit post of sorts won’t be complete without the obligatory details of the outfit worn for the day. So, without further ado..

Dress by ZARA, Blazer by G2000, Bow heels by Call it SPRING, Accessories by H&M

Special thanks to my Seoul sister, Eunice Yuste, for being my photographer. Just thinking about doing this with my trust-y tripod makes me cringe inside. Haha. Oh, the horror. Thank you for saving me. 🙂