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Ruffled heart-shaped dress by H&M, Boyfriend button-down shirt from a thrift shop, Heart locket from my dear grandmother, Bow ballet flats by H&M, Bow ring and earrings (not shown) by Forever 21

Androgyny has always been one of the styles I always challenge myself to try. People who know me or even those who just see me in person know I’m not a perky, girly girl contrary to what most might think. In fact, I’d like to call myself a hybrid. A mix of two things. Never one or the other. Always in between.

I love being a girl. Although yes, I do wonder sometimes what it would be like being a guy for curiosity’s sake. Take note, I just wonder. I don’t wish to be a guy. 🙂 It’s really fun being a girl. I don’t even have to explain this, because I’m sure that all the women out there reading this will agree with me. We all have our reasons why we love being who and what we are.

Whether you’re a girly girl or androgynous like me, celebrate it. One of the best lessons I’ve ever learned is a good outfit is never good enough without confidence. And confidence is reflected by acceptance of one’s self. Love yourself, because you deserve it. ❤

Photo credits to my lovely Ate Theresa Sagun for this week’s outfit photos. She has been my rock, support cheer group in one, partner-in-crime, lends me patience and understanding when I need it, and the big sister I never had for the past months that we’ve been working together. And now, my outfit photographer. Haha. I could not ask for more. Thanks Ate!  ❤