
 Eura Yuste is a twenty year-old Fashion Design student, photography hobbyist, and a proud Filipina. She has been living in Abu Dhabi with her family for more than three years now. She started taking photography seriously during her first year of college as a Fashion Design major, but has been interested in it since she was in high school.

She is the creator and founder of The Mazuona, a fashion and style blog dedicated to the stylish, elegant, confident, and fearless women of Abu Dhabi. She also does freelance Fashion photography, covering Fashion events in the region and shooting designer look books.

You can usually find her bargaining with fabric salesmen in the markets of Madinat Zayed, or walking in the busy streets of Abu Dhabi with a camera in her hand. She wants to learn more, and believes that experience is key, which is the foremost point of this blog for her. This blog has not only been created to inspire the women of Abu Dhabi, but also to develop her skills while having fun and doing the things she love the most.

Her sense of style has been inspired by the women whose lives have inspired her to be her true self at all times. That, and her love for the Korean culture. She’s a hybrid, as she calls herself. Asian at heart with a Middle Eastern state of mind. She has wanderlust, a passion for traveling the world and discovering cities and their art.

She loves doing a lot of things (all at the same time), but often finds trouble managing her time. She’s a self-proclaimed professional crammer, multi-tasker and procrastinator. She’s a lot of things. She’s a free spirit with high hopes and an unending amount of creativity. But, she’s not a figment of your imagination. She’s real, and she’s out to conquer the world. In style.   

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