1. How long have you been here in Abu Dhabi?

I’ve been breathing the Abu Dhabi air since April of 2009. So, I’ve stayed here for 3 years now. But I do go home once in a while. πŸ™‚

2. Describe Abu Dhabi.

Abu Dhabi has become my home. I know I would always go back to my roots in the Philippines, but with the time I’ve spent here, I’ve come to love the place. I can’t imagine myself leaving for good. I know I will always come back. πŸ™‚

3. What do you do in Abu Dhabi? (Job, Education.. etc.)

Right now, I’m a few months away from graduation! I’ve been studying Fashion Design and Merchandising for two years now, and I’m on my last semester. I’ve been blogging since October of 2010. Although it was done inconsistently, my passion for writing, photography, and fashion did not fade which is why I’m still here.

I am also currently working as the Senior Marketing Executive of one of the leading advertising and marketing agencies in Abu Dhabi, INNOVATE Advertising & Marketing. It has been a nothing but a wonderful journey being part of this team. And though it takes most of my time, I feel grateful for the opportunity to be able to work with a creative group of people.

4. What are your favorite places in the city?

I don’t really have a specific corner in Abu Dhabi that I love. But I do love going to places that are rich in art and culture, like the National Theatre and the Heritage Park. I don’t always have the luxury of time to go to those kind of places, but I do try to get a creative break every now and then to refill my inspiration. Also, Jones’ at the Mamoura area is always a good spot to unwind. πŸ™‚

5. In one word, describe your personal style.

My personal is style is, I would say, personal. Haha. I just dress according to my mood. I like wearing minimal and monotone colors and playing with prints. But I’m very much in love with shoes, accessories, and bags. I invest in them more than any other item in my closet.

I’m very much influenced and inspired by Asian fashion, because of my love for the Korean culture. I love how the women of Korea are uninhibited when it comes to dressing up. They’re very good in mixing and matching pieces, and that’s something I love doing as well. But, confidence is always key.

6. Fashion icons?

Kate Moss and Alexa Chung will always always be on top of my list. Philippines’ Fashion bloggers Tricia Gosingtian and Laureen Uy are also my best sources for fashion inspiration.

7. Favorite item of clothing?

Shoes! I love shoes the most in my closet. I lost track of how many I buy, but I do know that I need to buy new shelves for them.

8. Do you have any signature pieces or look?

You would always find me in oversized tops or short dresses with black tights. I usually pair them with nice wedges, ankle booties or flats. It depends on the need. I still put comfortability above everything else. I don’t force myself to wear sky high heels if I know I’d be walking around the whole day. Sure, it looks classy. But it wouldn’t look classy if you’re cringing in pain after every ten steps you take.

Lately, prints have become my obsession! I love experimenting with prints and bold colors. I pair them with quirky accessories as well. But at the end of the day, comfort is still the number one priority. Style is about mixing your creativity with the comfort that you need. Once that is achieved, the rest is gravy.

9. Favorite stores to shop in?

Definitely H&M! Their clothes are so versatile and they have a variety of choices. Plus, the prices are reasonable. I do go to Zara, Forever 21, and Iconic to get classic pieces and must-haves from time to time.

10. How does Abu Dhabi affect your personal style?

Abu Dhabi is becoming more and more open to freedom of style. Two years back, I still felt the need to blend in with the crowd. But as time passed, I guess my confidence grew that I do not find myself in my shell anymore. Culture should always be considered in a way that creativity and sense of style is not compromised.

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